Quiz : “I am a unicorn that was founded to solve a real-life problem(s). Name me.” | AD SME

Quiz : “I am a unicorn that was founded to solve a real-life problem(s). Name me.” 

My founders were finding it expensive to commute around town, so they started me as a ride-sharing service in an effort to help improve cab transportation in the US and make it more affordable and accessible. I have since become an international USD 69 billion sensation. I am ___________________.

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My founders could not pay rent. They started renting their own apartment to guest and cooking breakfast for them, taking advantage of how the city’s hotels were overbooked. I am now worth 71 billion USD. I am ________________.

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I started out as a location-sharing app that nobody was using to share locations. My founders were smart enough to realise that my photo-sharing feature was popular, so they pivoted me into a simple photo-sharing app. I have been bought by Facebook for USD 500 million. I am _________________.

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I became the leading social medium for sharing brief opinions and thoughts. This was after my founders realised that it was pointless to compete with Apple iTunes for podcast-sharing, so they pivoted me. I am ________________.

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I came about in an effort to solve a simple problem: how to connect with friends? I am now worth >USD 430 billion. I am ____________________.

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